8. Heroes Need Their Eyes Closed In Death
Notable Offenders: The Hunger Games, You Only Live Twice A guaranteed way to pull at the heartstrings in drama is to kill off a character we loved and who talked about how much they loved their family. We shed our tears upon these fictional beings and feel their friend's pain at their passing. We have spent 76 minutes of our life in their company and it was just like we knew them damn it. He was a good man, he was coming home for his kids whose pictures he had everywhere. Why? Why did this have to happen? And for the love of everything that is holy, his eyes are still open in death. Still open! It's like a window to his now empty soul, the ghost of his last thought still drawn upon his face. This will haunt me for years to... Oh thank God, the protagonist just closed his eyes as a mark of respect. What we need here is closure. As we do in real life when dealing with death. So we just need the eyes to be closed as a way of ensuring that. Now he looks at peace. Now we can move on to the last 15 minutes of the movie. Now we can stop pretending to remember the character's name and instead call him "That Guy Who Is In Everything" instead.