10 Horrific Truths Behind Your Favourite Disney Movies

6. Snow White Doesn't Just Get Poisoned By An Apple - Snow White & The Seven Dwarves

Walt Disney Pictures
Walt Disney Pictures

The Brother's Grimm version of the tale is pretty similar to the Disney version plot-wise, but there are still some dated and horrifying components that have since been edited out of its retelling. First, the Evil Queen takes a few tries before finally poisoning Snow White with an apple. Her first two attempts include strangling the princess with a bodice and combing her hair with a poisoned comb.

Snow White is also seven when she runs away into the woods, and an unspecified amount of time passes by whilst poisoned. So when the prince finally marries her, it is potentially a creepy situation. But that doesn't deter him - they end up getting married after two seconds of knowing each other. And at this wedding, the Evil Queen is invited and punished by having to wear glowing hot-iron shoes and to dance until she is dead.


Holland Baker is based in New York City, where she is an editor, writer and co-host of Whatever It Takes: A Degrassi Podcast. In her free time, you can find her searching for bodega cats, eating mass amounts of pizza and using humor as a defense mechanism.