10 Horrific Wilderness Horror Movies Based On True Events

8. 127 Hours (2010)

The Widow (2020)
Fox Searchlight Pictures

When canyoneering in Utah one weekend during May 2003, extreme sport enthusiast Aron Ralston’s idyllic trip turned into a disaster when his arm was pinned by a massive boulder. He didn’t tell anybody where he was, he didn’t have his phone with him (he wouldn’t have had any signal anyway), and he only had a small supply of food and water.

He was stuck there for six days. It was only by amputating his own arm in a moment of desperation and blind rage that he managed to free himself. Danny Boyle recreated Ralson’s harrowing story of survival in the six-time Oscar-nominated 127 Hours.

While not a horror film by conventional standards, this flick nevertheless recreates a horrifying scenario with chilling realism as James Franco gives a career-defining performance as Ralston.

The real horror, of course, comes during the notorious sequence in which Ralston breaks and cuts through his own arm with a blunt knife.

Shown in excruciating detail to capture as much of Ralston’s experience on film, sitting through this scene is an intense endurance test of our own that's more graphic than most body horrors. It’s no surprise there were reports of moviegoers fainting at this point.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.