10 Horrifically Unnecessary Movie Sequels That Nobody Wanted

ghost-rider-spirit-of-vengeance-image-7 As people who like to spend large amounts of money to stare at giant screens for two hours whilst trying to forget that life is ultimately one long, drawn-out exercise in crushing disappointment (breathe), we sure do complain about movies a lot. Don't worry: I'm included in this category, because I spend approximately four days a week complaining about the pictures that refuse to play by the expectations I've conjured up in my mind during the time leading up to release day (I'm talking to you, Prometheus). One of the biggest things we like to complain about is sequels, because we all know sequels are disgusting, and that they're just asking for trouble from the very moment that they decided to exist. For the most part, sequels generate a strange kind of conflict in the hearts of those who like movies, though. On one hand, it's like, "Yes! I can't wait to see how Darth Vader became Darth Vader!" But it's also like, "Filling in Vader's backstory will totally ruin the mystery of his entire character. Stop, George." See? Conflict. So, despite the fact that we all complain about how bad those new Star Wars movies were, and how Indiana Jones should have been left to ride off into the sunset for good back in 1989, one simple fact remains: we all wanted to see sequels to those movies. C'mon. We did. Admit it. In retrospect, we hate them, of course, but let's face it, when we hear that the majority of sequels are getting made, we try to pretend it's going to be OK. If that isn't the case, then we can usually - at the least - understand why Hollywood might want to make a sequel - artistic integrity aside, it's a business. What brings us to the movies I've assembled for the following list. These are the movie sequels that nobody wanted... not because people were scared that continuing the story would ruin the originals or anything, but because... well, they either sucked or the idea of a sequel was so unnecessary that not one single person on Earth had even pondered the thought of them getting made without laughing. Seriously... why did anybody take the time to get these bizarre and obscure sequels into production? There weren't even fanbases for these things!
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All-round pop culture obsessive.