10 Horrifically Unnecessary Movie Sequels That Nobody Wanted

8. The Sandlot 2 (2005)

le-retour-du-gang-des-champions_421680_30913 The tagline for The Sandlot 2 is "relive the magic of the original Sandlot." That's misleading enough to warrant a lawsuit. The Sandlot2 wants to have something to do with the original movie, of course, but it can't, because everyone who was in that surprisingly enjoyable kids' classic is old and ugly now, so, hey, just settle for all these new kids that you don't know or care about and stop your complaining. That's to say, this "sequel" scores an indisputable home run in the "insult to the original" department. One of the those movies that pretends to be a sequel but is actually just a remake, Sandlot 2 has been conjured up purely as a last minute money-making scheme or something. It would have been far easier (and less criminal) to have just, like, robbed a bank or something. All of the moments from the first film are just rehashed here, but with kids who are unlikeable and can't act to save their souls. And let me assure you: lots and lots of souls were lost in the making of Sandlot 2. Look at the end credits to see just how many.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.