10 Horrifically Unnecessary Movie Sequels That Nobody Wanted

5. Hollow Man 2 (2005)

i_202443.800x500 The original Hollow Man movie isn't exactly terrible, but it feels like something of a missed opportunity, given its intriguing plot and the fact that it was directed by Paul Verhoeven. Nowadays, it remains mostly forgotten, because that's what happens when you make a movie with Kevin Bacon (even the fact that he's invisible for most of the movie didn't help). Somewhere, though, back in 2005, somebody started thinking about Hollow Man, and not because they were writing a list about bad movie; they were thinking about making a bonafide sequel. Which translates as: straight-to-DVD. Yes, six long years after the orignal, director Claudio Fäh (we shan't talk about the name) got behind the camera and started directing a sequel to Hollow Man. Gone is the slight campiness that makes the original movie sort of fun, and the script - which calls for multiple invisible men who fight each other (one played by Christian Slater) - is embarrassingly bad. The fact that it could potentially have movie-goers questioning their own sanity ("Wait... was Hollow Man good enough to deserve a sequel?") is, I think, incredibly dangerous.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.