10 Horrifying Movie Deaths That Happen Off Screen

2. Kowalski - Gravity

Georgie It
Warner Bros.

There's nothing quite as terrifying as the enormity of space. Gravity plays on that the strange emptiness of this giant void by putting two characters bang in the middle of it, with Sandra Bullock and George Clooney desperately trying to survive after their shuttle is damaged on a routine spacewalk.

After an impact sends the pair flying away from the safety of their station, Clooney's Kowalski is forced to detach from Bullock to ensure at least one of them survives, meaning he unclips, lets go, and is left to float in the eternity of space until he dies from exposure or lack of oxygen. Whilst it might not be that horrifying a death initially, the implication that Kowalski is completely helpless as he drifts to his own gradual death, surrounded only by darkness and cold, is an absolutely terrifying thought.

Death by space abandonment seems something like being trapped alone on a desert island, only theres no air, no sea, no sand, and you're stuck perpetually in motion waiting for death. Maybe they're not all that similar...

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