10 Horror Characters You Really Wanted To Live (But Knew They Were Doomed)

2. Seth Brundle - The Fly

Scream Tatum
20th Century Fox

We all have a soft spot for tragic villains who aren’t really villains, don’t we? Especially when they’re played by Jeff Goldblum.

The Fly is widely and rightfully lauded for its magnificent special effects, but the plot is just as strangely beautiful.

Seth Brundle (Goldblum) is an undeniably brilliant man - albeit a strange one - but it is his very brilliance that ultimately kills him; slowly, painfully and before the very eyes of the woman he loves, who can do nothing to save him from himself.

Anyone who has lost a loved one to illness knows what this feels like: wanting for them to be okay, and madly believing they will get better, despite knowing this of course cannot happen.

Seth knows his fate, and swings between raging against it and accepting it. It’s such a human way to respond to such an inhuman thing, and so we can’t help but feel for Brundle despite knowing what’s going to eventually happen.

The Fly’s ending is heart-breaking, but one that we saw coming for a long time. In a way, we’re right there when Veronica (Geena Davis) is forced to shoot her beau.

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