10 Horror Films That Are Really Something Else

9. In The Mouth Of Madness

the lighthouse willem dafoe
New Line Cinema

No movie has perfectly captured the essence of H.P. Lovecraft better than In the Mouth of Madness (which is ironic, since it isn't based on his work.) It may not be a Lovecraft adaption, but his influence can be felt in every frame of John Carpenter's underrated feature.

In The Mouth of Madness centres around investigator, John Trent, who's hired to track down hack writer, Sutter Cane. Believing Cane faked his disappearance to promote his new book, Trent believes he'll have no trouble locating him. But since the movie opens with a flash-forward of Trent in a psychiatric institution, you know the investigation didn't go well.

From start to finish, ITMOM blurs the lines between reality and fantasy. Because Trent keeps hallucinating, it's hard to comprehend what's real and what isn't, even when he's chased by a cephalopodic creature or cuts his way out of a book. There's a fair share of effective jump-scares, but it's the otherworldly atmosphere that keeps viewers on edge.

It may have received mixed reviews upon release, but there's no question In the Mouth of Madness is a real treat for anyone into cosmic horror.


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