10 Horror Heroes Worse Than The Villain
8. Eric - Evil Dead (2013)
The Evil Dead franchise is filled with characters fighting the very evil that they themselves summoned. For example, Scott awakened the Deaties in the original film after playing a tape of an incantation, and Ash resurrected a legion of ghouls in Army of Darkness by performing the wrong spell.
Of course, our heroes aren't fully to blame, since they couldn't have known what dark force they were releasing upon the world. That said, what was Eric's excuse in 2013's Evil Dead? When he found the Naturom Demonto, he immediately started reading it aloud, releasing the Deadites.
Now, if the Naturom Demonto looked generically creepy, you could understand why Eric was curious to check it out. However, this wretched book was hidden, bound in human skin and locked in chains, emphasising how immeasurably dangerous it is. Even though the text is filled with warnings that read "LEAVE THIS BOOK ALONE," Eric performs the incantation anyway, leading to... exactly what you would expect.
He may protected his friends and locked one of them in the basement when she got possessed, but this whole mess wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for Eric.