10 Horror Monster Movies With Amazing Special Effects

6. Braindead

Braindead movie
Trimark Pictures

In terms of special effects, there are no films in Peter Jackson's repertoire as visually awe-inspiring as his Lord of the Rings trilogy.

But Braindead is a very close second! 

The visuals in this zomcom can be summarised in one word: relentless. Some scenes can't go more than two seconds without a jaw-dropping special effect being thrown in, and before the audience has time to process what they saw, another sensational visual is tossed in. Then another. Then another. Then another.

But the special effects aren't just great, they're super-gross. Braindead contains an avalanche of vomit-inducing moments that will test the biggest horror veterans - especially the dinner sequence. 

The third act has so many creative sequences, it overloads the senses. Faces are ripped off, teeth are pulled out, ribcages are wrenched from bodies, legs are eaten to the bone, a zombie toddler bursts out of a woman's head, and a 10ft tall monster stuffs her son into her womb. Also, words cannot convey how ludicrous the undead sex scene is.

Braindead's violence is so creative and endless, it's impossible for splatter fans not to be entertained (and thoroughly disgusted).

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