10 Horror Movie Background Scares That Will Scar You For Life

5. Margaret & The Mannequin - Carrie

Ouija Origin Of Evil
United Artists

Brian De Palma's 1976 adaptation remains the original and best Carrie after all these years, thanks to tactful and faithful use of Stephen King's original text, the director's clear vision of what he wanted the film to be, and Sissy Spacek's career-defining turn in the lead role.

A supernaturally-endowed teen, Carrie suffers from intense bullying at high school and finds her telekinetic powers difficult to control, something that is only exacerbated by the presence of her fanatically religious mother Margaret (Piper Laurie). Following the infamous scene when Carrie is doused in pig's blood at prom and burns down the gymnasium in response, she returns home with the intention of taking a warm bath and waiting for it all to blow over... But Margaret has other ideas, and attempts to murder her only child.

In the lead up to this egregious act, however, De Palma treats us to a lingering pre-scare. Margaret is waiting for Carrie in the upstairs hallway, lit like a ghost and lurking in the background of the shot between a mannequin and the door. Though the camera briefly calls attention to Margaret, illuminating her face when Carrie turns the bathroom light, she's in the scene for a whole 45 seconds beforehand – offering us as much time as possible to spot her on our own.

This has to be an all-time record for background shenanigans.


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