10 Horror Movie Characters Punished For Not Believing

7. Sheriff Eben Oleson - 30 Days Of Night

Jaws 2 Amity Town Council
Columbia Pictures

To be fair to Josh Hartnett's 30 Days of Night character, you have to question how much of a difference it would've made if he'd have taken the rambling warning of Ben Foster's unnamed stranger seriously.

Foster's mysterious figure starts that movie by walking into the cold, snowy town of Barrow, Alaska and erratically warbling on about danger being on the way. Presuming that he's just some utter loon, Hartnett's Sheriff Oleson locks the fella up in a holding cell, then continues to get ready for the town's annual 30-day run of consistent darkness.

Unfortunately, what this nutcase is harping on about is the bloodthirsty gang of vampires that are soon to arrive in Barrow to feast on the townsfolk. Unbeknown to Oleson, this stranger has already sabotaged the town's communications and transport, meaning its inhabitants are juicy, meaty sitting ducks for a swarm of vamps.

Could things have played out differently for Sheriff Oleson if he'd have taken the ramblings of a crazy man seriously? Maybe. Maybe not.

As it went, Eben Oleson does manage to save his town. The problem is, to do so he had to turn himself into a vampire - with him then turning to dust once the sun finally shone down on Barrow once again.

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Senior Writer

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