10 Horror Movie Characters That Didn't Deserve The Hate

7. Barbara - Night Of The Living Dead

The Shining Wendy
Continental Distributing

An oldie but a goodie now, as for the last five-plus-decades, horror fans have relished mocking Night of the Living Dead's doomed heroine Barbara (Judith O'Dea).

Barbara admittedly doesn't serve much use throughout the film and is eventually ripped out of the farmhouse by the undead horde without putting up much of a fight.

Many over the years have called her things like "useless" and "pathetic," which rather ignores the fact that Barbara is very clearly suffering from PTSD after witnessing the murder of her brother Johnny (Russell Streiner) at the hands of a zombie at the start of the movie.

Nobody's going to put Barbara on their list of plucky horror movie heroes, for sure - that honour goes instead to Ben (Duane Jones) - but considering the movie ends with everybody dying anyway, it does rather feel like she's judged a little too harshly for her inability to cope with her fraught situation.

Victim blaming much?

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The Shining
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.