10 Horror Movie Characters That Single-Handedly Ruined Recent Movies

8. Annie - Dashcam

The Munsters Herman
Momentum Pictures

Dashcam is a savagely intense computer screen horror film in which Internet personality Annie (Annie Hardy) endures a night of horrors after taking a job to give a strange woman a ride.

In terms of pure mood and atmosphere, it's well-executed fare from director Rob Savage, yet there was one consistent complaint among the vast majority of the reviews: Annie is just too damn annoying and unlikeable for her own good.

From minute one, Savage holds nothing back in presenting Annie as an overbearing and obnoxiously right-wing chud of a human being, who doesn't much care for COVID vaccines and masks, in turn doing anything but endear herself to viewers. Even by film's end, audiences may simply be left rooting for her to die, and then end up disappointed when she doesn't.

Though it was certainly boldly provocative of Savage to challenge viewers to root for such a detestable character, it was a daring swing which, in the eyes of many, spectacularly backfired, rendering the film close to unwatchable in the process.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.