10 Horror Movie Characters Who Die In The Very Last Scene

5. Jack - The House That Jack Built

Unfriended 2014 Ending 1280x720
IFC Films

Lars von Trier has produced some completely bananas movies over the years, including several horror movies that will make even the most ironclad of stomachs turn. 

Case in point - 2018's The House That Jack Built.

Based on Dante's Inferno, the movie takes place over a 12 year period and follows the eponymous Jack (Matt Dillon), a serial killer in Hell who recounts his life story to Virgil. He's a famous Roman poet, by the way, in case you didn't study Classics at school. 

As the violent nature of Jack's crimes reveal themselves, it becomes increasingly clear why he's ended up in the Bad Place. At the film's climax, Jack comes across a fiery pit that leads out of the underworld. Being the arrogant man he is, Jack attempts to cross the crevasse, but, predictably, he falls, doomed to spend eternity in the flames. 

You could argue that Jack was already dead when this happened, as he is kind of "alive" within Hell. At the very least, there's the chance he could escape. His final plummet is confirmation that he is gone forever, which is more than good enough for this list.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.