10 Horror Movie Characters Who Died In The Final Shot

8. Father Patrick Malone - The Fog (1980)

Unfriended Blaire
AVCO Embassy Pictures

Death scenes don't get much more hilariously abrupt than Father Malone's (Hal Holbrook) last-second demise in John Carpenter's original version of The Fog.

At the very end, once the fog has dissipated and the ghosts have vanished, Malone expresses surprise that he was spared by the vengeful ghost of ship owner Blake (Rob Bottin).

Blake's ghost was seemingly hell-bent on murdering six people, representing the six who conspired to wreck his ship 100 years earlier, killing him and his men.

Malone initially offers himself up as a sacrifice due to his grandfather's involvement in the death of Blake and his crew, though appears to have been inexplicably spared by film's end.

As he ponders why he was spared and why Blake only killed five people in the final seconds of the film, Blake suddenly re-emerges behind Malone and, as he turns around, swings a sword at him, apparently decapitating him.

At the moment of impact, however, Carpenter cuts to black and then quickly smashes to the end credits.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.