10 Horror Movie Characters Who Got Off Too Easy

9. Frank - Barbarian

Saw The Final Chapter Bobby
20th Century Studios

The real villain of Barbarian isn't the mutant Mother (Matthew Patrick Davis) pursuing Tess (Georgina Campbell) and AJ (Justin Long), but rather the original owner of the house they're trapped within, Frank (Richard Brake).

Flashbacks eventually reveal Frank has spent decades kidnapping women, forcefully impregnating them, and creating a fleet of incestual mutant children, one of whom is assumed to be the Mother.

Late in the film, AJ stumbles upon a decrepit, bedridden Frank in a secret room in the bowels of the house, and though AJ initially believes him to be another victim of the Mother, he soon enough finds video tapes confirming this not to be the case.

Realising that his jig is finally up, Frank suddenly pulls out a gun and shoots himself dead. But for someone who spent decades committing the most heinous abuse imaginable, this was the easy way out. Unlike his victims, Frank had the luxury of determining his own end, rather than spending what remained of his life in a jail cell.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.