10 Horror Movie Characters Who Were Perfectly Cast (The Second Time)

1. Marybeth Dunston - Danielle Harris (Hatchet II)

Maniac Joe Spinell Elijah Wood
Dark Sky FIlms

The Original

In Adam Green's original cult slasher Hatchet, the part of protagonist Marybeth Dunston was played by Tamara Feldman, who certainly brought a lot of charm and appeal to the fiery Final Girl.

Second Time's The Charm

But Feldman ultimately didn't return for Hatchet II, with Green later dubbing her "difficult" and suggesting she took poor advice from her management team.

Feldman was eventually replaced with Danielle Harris, who is of course best known for playing young Jamie Lloyd in the fourth and fifth Halloween films.

And ultimately, with Hatchet being such a wink-wink love letter to the slasher genre, casting a veritable scream queen in the role of Marybeth just feels right, as though Harris should've played her from the beginning.

Feldman certainly acquitted herself well in the first film, but the character really came into her own under Harris - ridiculous southern accent accepted - who portrayed her as the franchise's lead for its remainder.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.