10 Horror Movie Characters Who Were Perfectly Cast (The Second Time)

7. Willard Stiles - Crispin Glover (Willard)

Maniac Joe Spinell Elijah Wood
New Line Cinema

The Original

In the first version of Willard - an adaptation of the classic horror novel Ratman's Notebooks - the role of rat-obsessed misfit Willard Stiles was played with totally respectable aplomb by Bruce Davison, even if some of his Anthony Perkins-isms feel a bit too obvious and on-the-nose.

Second Time's The Charm

And so, there's just no competing with the casting of Crispin Glover in the title role of the 2003 remake.

Given Glover's noted real-life eccentricity, it's tough to imagine many better-cast parts in the history of Hollywood, and in turn his resolutely oddball performance promptly leaves Davison's work firmly in the dust.

Glover delivers a more plausibly immersed performance as Willard, whereas while watching Davison the acting cogs are always visibly turning with all the performative affectations on display.

Again, Davison isn't bad by any means, but Glover is Willard in ways that he never will be.

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