10 Horror Movie Characters Who Were Perfectly Cast (The Second Time)
4. Thomas - Richard Jenkins (Let Me In)

The Original
In 2008's incredible Swedish vampire joint Let the Right One In, the role of vampire Eli's (Lina Leandersson) guardian Håkan is played by Per Ragnar.
Ragnar gives a commendable enough turn in the part, but he's ultimately at the mercy of a script that intentionally holds the audience at arm's length from him.
Second Time's The Charm
For the 2010 remake Let Me In, Håkan's equivalent character Thomas is played by the great Richard Jenkins, who is able to bring so much more dimension to the table.
Even beyond the fact that Let Me In's script digs deeper into the guardian character's past and mythological relationship with his vampire companion, Jenkins possesses such a unique ability to capture both the humanity and tragic, pathetic qualities of this man in ways lacking from the Swedish version.
Jenkins, one of the finest character actors of his generation, is just note perfect in this role, and while the original film is generally superior, this character is one aspect that the remake pulled off better.