10 Horror Movie Deaths Not Even The Actors Saw Coming

9. Adrienne (Jason X)

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New Line Cinema

Fun fact: the moment in Jason X where intern Adrienne gets her frozen head smashed on a desk is one of Quentin Tarantino's favourite movie death scenes.

Interestingly though, the sequence almost didn't play out this way.

While actress Kristi Angus knew that she was set to film a scene involving liquid nitrogen, the filmmakers then decided to expand on the moment, while keeping Angus in the dark about what exactly was going to happen.

It wasn't until she showed up to work on the movie that she discovered her character's ultimate fate, with Jason plummeting Adrienne's head into a vat of the chilly liquid, turning it to ice, and shattering it on a counter.

As far as death scenes go, we gotta agree with Quentin: this one's pretty darn cool.

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