10 Horror Movie Deaths Not Even The Actors Saw Coming

4. Miss Collins (Carrie)

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United Artists

If you sign up for a film that's based on a book, you'll probably feel certain that you know your character's fate. After all, if your character survives on the page, then surely they'll survive on the big screen too... right?

Well, not always, and this was the exact situation Betty Buckley found herself in when she landed the role of Miss Collins in the 1976 adaptation of Carrie.

The version of Miss Collins who appears in the original Stephen King novel is alive by the end of the story, so Buckley, logically so, assumed that her character would also survive Carrie's wrath.

But director Brian De Palma had other ideas, as revealed by Buckley in a 2015 interview:

"De Palma was trying to figure out how to end the movie. We didn’t know who was going to remain alive and that’s when he decided to kill Miss Collins off. I was campaigning for her to live. But he said she had to go."

As a result, Collins was crushed by a basketball backboard during the famous prom scene, book version be damned!

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