10 Horror Movie Deaths That Could've Been WAY Better

9. Mrs. Jarvis - Friday The 13th: The Final Chapter

It Chapter Two Pennywise Death

The fourth and "final" Friday the 13th movie - don't laugh - features a number of memorably gory death scenes, but there's one that feels oddly circumscribed, and that's the demise of Tommy Jarvis' (Corey Feldman) poor mother (Joan Freeman).

Mid-way through the film, Mrs. Jarvis is killed while out in the rain searching for her kids and dog, when she's suddenly attacked by Jason (Ted White) - or we assume so, anyway.

All we get to see is Mrs. Jarvis reacting in terror to something much larger than her. We don't get to see Tommy's mother meet her end, nor do we ever see her corpse later on to confirm the kill - it's merely implied in the limpest, least interesting way possible.

There is a reason for this, though. The original version of the scene saw Jason grab Mrs. Jarvis and repeatedly slam her into a wall until dead, but it was cut for one of two conflicting reasons - either the MPAA or Paramount themselves objecting to it.

Also, the original ending would've included a dream sequence where Tommy's sister Trish (Kimberly Beck) finds their mother's corpse in a bathtub full of bloody water.

Instead, we got a whole lotta nothing.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.