10 Horror Movie Deaths That Get Worse The More You Think About It

7. Going to Pieces On the Table - Thanksgiving (2023)

Thanksgiving Yulia
TriStar Pictures

Praise be to the producer who decided to greenlight Eli Roth's Thanksgiving, allowing the director to return to form with a slasher that feels both familiar and fresh. Adapted from Roth's fake trailer contribution to Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino's Grindhouse double-feature, Thanksgiving sees a John Carver-masked maniac terrorise the not-so-good folks of Plymouth, MA on the anniversary of a fatal Black Friday disaster.

Gunning for the group of teens who got into the town's megastore early on Black Friday and caused a stampede, Carver stalks their homes, school and places of work, inviting them to his thanksgiving dinner dead or alive. Among the unfortunate victims is Yulia (Jenna Warren), who is hunted through her mid-renovation home and stabbed in the eardrums. But that's only where the misery begins.

Carver catches her and, when her friends arrive to try and stop him, throws Yulia on a table-mounted buzzsaw, which takes her fingers, slices open her hand, her shoulder, her chest, her stomach - you name it. Mercifully, we only see it from a couple of angles, but the damage is extensive and, as if we need to say it, fatal. Even though she died quickly, she died brutally. And, worst of all, her friends who witnessed every moment, are left with a lifetime of trauma.


The definitive word sculptor, editor and trend-setter. Slayer of gnomes and trolls.