10 Horror Movie Deaths That Get Worse The More You Think About It

2. Insides-Out - Inside (2007)

Thanksgiving Yulia
BR Films

Julien Maury and Alexandre Bustillo's film debut Inside (À l'intérieur) set the tone for the directors' subsequent work (which includes 2017's Leatherface), by going so unnecessarily hard from the get. The film centres on expectant mother Sarah (Alysson Paradis), survivor of a recent car crash that took her husband's life, who is home alone on Christmas Eve when a stranger calls.

That stranger is none other than the delightfully controversial Béatrice Dalle, referred to in the credits as La Femme, who turns out to have been the other party in that fateful car crash. Well. La Mère might be a more apt title, because while she lost her own unborn baby in the crash, she has never stopped seeing herself as a mother - and has come to claim Sarah's child.

Subjecting the young mother-to-be to a night of terror and torture, La Femme crowns the evening's events by performing a drug-free Caesarean section. Of course, Sarah dies in the process, with her intestines all down her, guts having been pushed aside to allow her attacker-cum-midwife to deliver the baby. But what about the baby? Sarah dies in the agony of the Caesarean and all the other injuries she sustained throughout the night, but also in the knowledge that her newborn - who may or may not have been damaged from the repeated beatings Sarah's taken - is now in the hands of a vicious madwoman. It doesn't bear thinking about, yet here we are.


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