10 Horror Movie Deaths That Get Worse The More You Think About It

This lot could only dream of being home in bed surrounded by the grandkids.

Thanksgiving Yulia
TriStar Pictures

What is the humble horror movie without its fair share of death? Well, sure, it's The Blair Witch Project. But we're not here to talk about that. No, we are instead here to look at films that give us some pretty definite death scenes, but ones which we may not have thought too hard on - until now.

Death, after all, is a blanket term for many different end-of-life situations, and some are considerably more unfavourable than others. Would you rather be quietly killed in your sleep or tied up in a sack and set on fire? Ask Mandy. Does getting diced and put on ice equal a pain-free end? Depends whether Ghostface is your butcher. And is it better to die by swallowing your tongue or a tin of blue paint? It's time to find out.

Here come ten horror movie deaths that only get worse the more brain power you expend on them, and once you've thought them through, there's no re-sealing that blood-soaked box. For real though, try not to overthink these grim and unforgiving deaths; that's what we're for!

10. What's In The Box?! - Buried (2010)

Thanksgiving Yulia

Buried has never really received the attention it deserves, being written off by some as 'Phonebooth underground' and generally not finding traction on the big or small screens, despite its star draw in Ryan Reynolds.

Reynolds plays Paul Conroy, a truck driver working in Iraq who falls prey to a gang of terrorists, who kidnap him, nail him in a coffin, and bury him alive. With time and air supply running out, Paul has to use the limited resources available to him - namely a Blackberry, a Zippo, and a pen - to direct the FBI to his burial site.

It should go without saying that things don't go as planned, and Paul signs off with sand up to his neck, no rescue team in sight. Far from a quick death, this one plays on a whole plethora of our greatest fears: there's the claustrophobia of being trapped in a restrictive box, becoming all the more restricted as the sand flows in; there's the slow suffocation as air runs out; and there's the pain of swallowing and breathing in the sand that takes its place. But more than all of this, Paul dies with full and certain knowledge that nobody is coming to save him, going to his doom feeling, well, doomed.

Truly, the stuff of nightmares.


Writer, editor, trend-setter. Slayer of gnomes and trolls.