10 Horror Movie Franchises That Should Have Stopped At One Film
5. A Quiet Place

A Quite Place was a beautiful film. Directed by and starring John Krasinski, A Quiet place centres around an alien invasion in which the predators hunt via the slightest of sounds. A great concept and a great movie, however the sequel didn't quite live up to the original.
The main issue with A Quiet Place: Part II is that it feels unnecessary. Like a lot of films on this list, the movie focuses more on opening up and developing the lore of the franchise, rather than being a worthwhile story. The first film ended perfectly, having the Abbot family finally learn how to fend off the threat felt like a perfect closing ending with a perfect closing shot.
The addition of Cillian Murphy also feels like an afterthought. He doesn't add a lot to the story or the characters. He only moves the plot forward from location to location. The heart of the first film, Evelyn Abbot, is out of action for a large portion as well. This sucks a lot of the drama out of the second act as she is absent for such a long time.
If left untouched, A Quiet Place would have been one of the most inventive standalone horror films of the last 20 years. Sadly, fans have to put up with the strange, plodding epilogue that is A Quiet Place: Part II.