10 Horror Movie Heroes Who Became Smarter In The Sequel

1. Brenda Meeks - Scary Movie 2

Final Destination Clear
Dimension Films

A comedic yet no-less-valid entry now with Scary Movie 2. In the first movie, Brenda Meeks (Regina Hall) is a loveable moron - hilarious, and yet completely obnoxious as she talks loudly in the cinema and gets brutally attacked for her troubles.

Brenda inexplicably survives the stabby assault from the assembled moviegoers and re-appears in Scary Movie 2, now attending college with her best pal Cindy (Anna Faris).

While Brenda is still incredibly extra, she does display some genuine unexpected smarts when she and Cindy are attacked by a skeleton later in the film.

Brenda's first intelligent move was to wait and see if the skeleton would simply kill Cindy and leave her be, but when Cindy runs over to Brenda begging for help, Brenda suddenly realises that the skeleton is just... a bunch of bones.

She asks Cindy, "Would you run from Calista Flockhart?," before suddenly dismantling the skeleton by removing its head, kicking its legs out from under it, and then re-arranging the order of its bones, rendering it harmless.

Between this and the fact that Brenda makes it to the end of the movie basically unscathed this time around, she definitely got smarter.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.