10 Horror Movie Heroes Who Became Smarter In The Sequel

7. Clear Rivers - Final Destination 2

Final Destination Clear
New Line Cinema

In the first Final Destination, the central characters were very clearly - and understandably! - in over their heads, given that nobody expects literal Death itself to start coming back for them following a near-death experience, right?

One of the original movie's co-protagonists was Clear Rivers (Ali Larter), who with the help of Alex Browning (Devon Sawa) was able to escape Death's grasp, even as her doubts lingered about being truly "free."

Final Destination 2 reveals that Alex was killed by a falling brick between films, prompting a traumatised Clear to do the smartest thing that anyone's ever done in any of these movies: lock herself away from Death.

When we catch up with Clear in the second film, she's had herself incarcerated in a psychiatric hospital, where inside an empty padded room it's nigh-on impossible for Death to cause her demise.

Granted, this isn't much of a life at all, but Clear at least came up with a clever solution to keep Death at bay - something nobody else in the series ever really figured out.

However, Death finally won out in the end, with Clear being persuaded to leave the hospital and help the new band of survivors, leading to her explosive demise at the end of the movie. Oops.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.