10 Horror Movie Moments More Important Than You Realised

6. Rose Challenges The Cop - Get Out

Halloween Kills Karen

Jordan Peele's Get Out is one of the most dense and detail-packed horror films of the last decade - a movie that hugely rewards repeat viewings by revealing the many secrets Peele has hidden in plain sight.

One such scene occurs early on in the movie, when Chris (Daniel Kaluuya) and his girlfriend Rose (Allison Williams) hit a deer while driving and a police officer is called out to the scene.

Despite Rose being the one driving, the cop asks to see Chris' ID, at which point Rose stops Chris from handing over his ID, insisting that he doesn't need to as he wasn't the one behind the wheel.

On the surface it simply seems like Rose is sticking up for her Black boyfriend against a suspect-at-best police officer, but once Rose's true colours are revealed in the film's third act, it's retrospectively clear her intentions were far from benevolent.

With the knowledge that Rose is actually in on her family's deranged scheme to kidnap Black people and hijack their bodies, it's evident that Rose wanted to prevent the cop from running Chris' ID and creating an electronic paper trail that would throw suspicion on her once Chris went missing.

Even on a second viewing this is easily missed, that a seemingly typical - albeit racist - encounter with the cops is far more calculated than it seems.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.