10 Horror Movie Moments More Terrifying When You Know The Truth

6. Betsy Baker Was Blindly Swinging A Real Dagger At Bruce Campbell - The Evil Dead

Hereditary Peter
De Laurentiis Entertainment Group

It's little secret that Sam Raimi's The Evil Dead was a seat-of-the-pants production, with Raimi employing every corner-cutting trick in the book to wring as much production value as possible out of his $375,000 budget.

Of the movie's many memorable moments, you'll surely recall Ash (Bruce Campbell) fending off his possessed girlfriend Linda (Betsy Baker) in the third act of the movie when she starts wildly swinging the Sumerian dagger in his direction.

But as Campbell confirmed in a commentary track for the film, he's not simply giving a stellar performance pretending to be scared of co-star Betsy Baker.

Rather, he's genuinely terrified because Baker's demonic contact lenses prevented her from seeing while shooting the scene, which in combination with a real dagger being used, ensured Campbell had to ensure he dodged her or risked getting stabbed for real.

In a 2013 interview, Baker confirmed the riskiness of the scene:

"Neither [co-stars] Ellen, Theresa, or I could see anything while wearing the lenses... so we had lots of rehearsals. Bruce had to work just as hard to miss the dagger, knowing that I actually couldn't see anything while trying to stab him. We had to very carefully count out the running steps that it took to get closer to him up against the wall. A long night."

So, let's paint the picture: Bruce is tired after shooting all night, and now has to fend off a woman blindly swinging a real knife at his face before the day's work is done. He didn't have to do much acting in this scene, did he?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.