10 Horror Movie Monsters That Almost Looked TOTALLY Different

8. Blair-Thing - The Thing

It Pennywise

In John Carpenter's The Thing, the titular parasite's final form is that of "Blair-Thing," a revolting abomination which combines its more typically tentacled alien form with the features of the recently assimilated Blair (Wilford Brimley) and Garry (Donald Moffat).

Though Blair-Thing was originally supposed to be featured much more extensively in the film's climax before being blown up by MacReady (Kurt Russell), technical limitations kept its presence only fleeting.

However, storyboard artist Mike Ploog had his own distinct vision for a far more elaborate rendition of the Blair-Thing, which would feature more distinctly human features of both Blair and Garry, as well as flailing tentacles and the spider legs seen in other forms of the Thing earlier in the movie.

It's fair to assume that production constraints prevented this more articulated design from coming to fruition, because as spectacular as the final film's effects are, practical animatronics are extremely expensive and time-consuming.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.