10 Horror Movie Monsters That Shouldn’t Work - But Do
3. The Blob - The Blob
The Blob is hardly a scary sounding creature, and it likely doesn't take much to convince anyone of that. It's hard to believe that a movie by that name would even get released, let alone become a major figure in horror and absolute drive-in favourite. But that is exactly what happened with this gooey and slimy extra-terrestrial creature. So what is it exactly?
This monster is an amoeboidal space entity that crashes lands on Earth from inside a meteorite. From there, it goes on to consume and dissolve citizens in Phoenixville and Downingtown Pennsylvania's small communities, growing in size each time, and becoming more ferocious as it develops. By the end, the monster easily towers over cars, buses and even buildings.
Even though a malicious blob of what looks like jelly sounds like a funny bit and not a horrible monster, it is actually very convincing, as the concept of a creature that only seeks to consume and has no remorse or emotion is a terrifying prospect. We can even still see vague allusions to the character in popular culture, such as the Symbiotes from Spider-Man lore.
The thought of a gelatinous interstellar being capable of dissolving and destroying humanity is far scarier than it sounds when you call that entity the Blob.