10 Horror Movie Mysteries That Should NEVER Have Been Answered

4. Who Spiked The Punch - Climax (2018)

Hannibal Rising

Gaspar Noe doesn't do things in halves, except of course for his high-tempo, boxed-in dance feature Climax, which is divided down the middle, with the latter half presented as one continuous, 42-minute shot.

The sensation created by not only this, but handheld camerawork, canted angles, and deep and ominous lighting is one of claustrophobia, and feeds into the film's plot and core tension, which sees a dance troupe trapped in their rehearsal space during a snowstorm. Partying into the evening, it becomes apparent someone has spiked the sangria with LSD, and the resulting dissociative effects give rise to the worst of everyone's personalities and leave everyone grieving, hurt, unconscious or dead.

It's classic Noe: dark, miserable, tense as thin ice. But the revelation at the film's conclusion -- that Psyché (Thea Carla Schott) is the one who dosed everyone with acid -- adds nothing to it. Indeed, the mystery has kept the film alive to this point, offering up potential motives for why each of the dancers might have done it. Psyché is one of the only more notable characters who doesn't seem to have a good motive, and while Noe's films are often sadistic, this doesn't quite fit the brand.


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