10 Horror Movie Parodies You've Never Seen
Who doesn't want to see Billy Connolly as a zombie?

Because horror films are filled with ropey special effects, awful acting, absurd premises, and atrocious dialogue, a lot of "scary" B-movies leave viewers laughing rather than screaming. As a result, it's not too surprising that cinema is filled spoofs revolving around slashers, monsters, and aliens.
There's no question Scary Movie helped make spoofs more mainstream but comedic horrors like Killer Clowns from Space and Young Frankenstein have been around for donkey's years. Even though we are all familiar with Shaun of the Dead and Zombieland, there are plenty of parodies that probably escaped the attention of the most devoted movie buff.
Scary Movie wasn't the only Scream spoof to come out in 2000. Attack of the Killer Tomatoes may be a ridiculous premise but it's not as silly as a film revolving around a killer piñata. And let's be honest - who isn't curious about watching a horror flick called Llamageddon?
Despite the fact most of these parodies can't compare to what they are imitating, they're still worth checking out. Although some of them fall into the "so bad, it's good" category, there are a couple that are genuinely hilarious and scary.
10. Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday The 13th

Because Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the 13th came out three months after Scary Movie, it was seen as a cheap rip-off that was rushed out of production. Ironically, Shriek went into production before Scary Movie did! But since it had the misfortune of being released second, it gave people the erroneous impression it was riding the tails of Scary Movie's success.
Even though Shriek has the same structure as Scary Movie, its style is far zanier. The masked killer is building a nuclear bomb. The school principal is played by Coolio. One of the characters has a twin cousin (which makes less sense the more you think about it).
Shriek isn't, by any stretch of the imagination, a great comedy and some jokes have aged like four-month old milk, but there are a lot people who prefer it over Scary Movie. It also has so many gags, you're guaranteed a couple of chuckles, even if you don't like the film overall. If you're not easily offended and enjoy comedies that fully commit to being stupidly bonkers, Shriek has a lot to offer.