10 Horror Movie Questions That Will Never Be Answered

4. Who Was The Driver? - Duel

the lighthouse willem dafoe

There's no doubt Jaws is directly responsible for launching Steven Spielberg's filmmaking career into the stratosphere. However, it wasn't the first time the renowned director devised a tension-riddled story surrounding a mostly off-screen antagonist.

Four years earlier, Spielberg directed the TV movie Duel, centred around a salesman named David. Desperate to make a deadline, David overtakes a tractor-trailer on the road. For some reason, the unseen driver takes David's actions very personally and begins to chase him with murderous intent. 

This antagonist leaves a huge impression despite the fact his face is never shown. However, the lack of exposition makes this hidden adversary more terrifying, since he comes across as an evil force of nature rather than a generic baddie.

Having said that, it hasn’t stopped fans speculating why the trucker overreacted the way he did. Maybe he’s a psychopath who was looking for someone to kill. Perhaps he suffered a recent tragedy, so the smallest infraction caused him to snap. On the other hand, he could just be a real stickler for road etiquette.

Half a century after Duel's release, we're still no closer to getting an answer.

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