10 Horror Movie Re-Castings That Proved Successful

9. Jamie Lloyd (Halloween)

Hatchet Marybeth
Trancas International

Bringing together the twin terrors of Halloween and Hatchet in the horror canon, this recasting is one that many horror fans don't even realise took place.

Long before Danielle Harris took on the mantle of Marybeth in the Hatchet series, she became a bona fide miniature scream queen in the Halloween series, starring as Jamie Lloyd in the fourth and fifth entries. Filmed and set six years after Halloween 5: The Revenge Of Michael Myers, Harris should have been a shoo-in to return to the role as a teenage Jamie in Halloween: The Curse Of Michael Myers, but forces larger than fate intervened.

The studio wanted Harris to reprise her role, yet salary disputes and a shaky script, which killed the character off during the film's first act, saw Harris turn them down. As a result, British actress JC Brandy took over the role.

While few of the Halloween sequels are regarded as worthwhile instalments to a deeply flawed series in and of themselves, Brandy nonetheless felt right for the part, making a both physically and temperamentally believable Jamie who. Despite being killed so soon, she helped resolve the character's arc without leaving a bitter taste in the audience's mouth.


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