10 Horror Movie Remakes Coming Out In 2021

6. The Exorcist

The Others Poster Nicola Kidman
Warner Bros. Pictures

After saying in 2015 that they would NEVER attempt to remake The Exorcist, Morgan Creek Entertainment Group is reportedly working on the denounced remake to hit our screens next year.

Do promises count for nothing anymore, guys?

We don’t know the plot yet, so we don’t know how true it’ll stay to the original. The production company is keeping their cards close to their chest so far and being very secretive.

The basic plot of The Exorcist, if you’ve been living under a rock and have never heard of it, is that a young girl becomes possessed by a demon after playing with a Ouji Board - classic mistake.

Her mother enlists the help of two priests to try to blast the demon out, and lots of spooks and scares ensue.

Sadly many of the actors from the 1973 original have since passed away, but Ellen Burstyn and Linda Blair (the central mother and daughter duo) are still knocking about. It wouldn’t be completely insane to think they may make an appearance, even just a small one.


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.