10 Horror Movie Remakes That Were Instantly Forgotten

8. I Spit On Your Grave (2010)

The Grudge 2020
Anchor Bay

Remaking a cult film is always going to be a controversial choice, and choosing to remake a film as morally questionable as I Spit On Your Grave is certainly a brave one. With the contentious rape-revenge horror having originally released in 1978 to less than favourable reviews, this violent and gory film made waves in the genre with its approach to sexual assault, murder, religion and feminist issues.

So when CineTel Productions opted to release their own adaptation in 2010, the reception was predictably poor. Following the same story as the original, with a young woman being violently assaulted and seeking murderous revenge on her attackers, the 2010 remake was seen as purposeless and equally as bad - if less memorable - than the original.

With one of the only positive elements of this film being the casting of Daniel Franzese, who played Damien in Mean Girls, this remake was certainly a pointless exercise in adaptation.

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A 28 year film & TV obsessive, with a love of all things horror, gore, Who and sitcom-central!