10 Horror Movie Remakes That Were TOTALLY Different

3. Day Of The Dead (2008)

Cat People 1982 Natassia Kinski
First Look Studios

Day of the Dead is generally accepted to be the "lesser" of George A. Romero's original Night of the Living Dead trilogy, but its esteem among horror fans has grown considerably since its 1985 release.

Romero's original focused on a group of soldiers and scientists holed up in an underground bunker as the zombie apocalypse unfolds around them, and is perhaps most fondly remembered for the inclusion of Bub (Sherman Howard), a "domesticated" zombie who remembers parts of his pre-undead life.

In 2008 a loose - that is, very loose - remake was produced, penned by Final Destination writer Jeffrey Reddick.

Beyond being a zombie movie centered around a group of military survivors with a third act sequence set in a bunker, it has almost nothing in common with Romero's original.

The social commentary isn't there and it lacks the oppressive tone of Romero's film, while likely only being produced in an attempt to cash in on Zack Snyder's well-received Dawn of the Dead remake released a few years prior.

It's easy to believe that the script was written as an original zombie film and then repurposed into a quasi-remake by a sneaky producer, as so little of the original's DNA is present in this dreadfully naff, soulless "remake."

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.