10 Horror Movie Retcons Everyone HATED

9. Logan Is The Original Jigsaw Apprentice - Jigsaw

Silent Hill Revelation

Given that the original run of Saw movies ended with the seventh part, Saw: The Final Chapter, the mere existence of a belated eighth movie, Jigsaw, made it pretty damn likely a franchise-elongating retcon was in store.

Though Jigsaw managed to semi-cleverly bring the original Jigsaw aka John Kramer (Tobin Bell) back into the fold by secretly setting a large chunk of the movie in the past, the subsequent twist ultimately dropped a nasty retcon that the fanbase soundly rejected.

It's eventually revealed that the new Jigsaw killer operating in the present day is pathologist Logan Nelson (Matt Passmore), but he's not merely a Jigsaw copycat - he's in fact the very first Jigsaw apprentice who predates all the others.

Logan was one of Kramer's first test subjects 10 years earlier and ultimately recruited to work under him, though he seemingly remained inactive until deciding to take up the Jigsaw mantle for the modern game.

For starters, this was the third time the series had pulled the secret apprentice card, and expecting fans to accept that there was another person helping Kramer prior to the others required a tectonic suspension of disbelief.

And beyond that, the fact that Logan had basically been radio silent until reappearing in Jigsaw just made it seem that much more forced and contrived.

The fan reception to the film was middling enough that Logan wasn't mentioned at all in follow-up Spiral. As for whether he'll show up in the upcoming Saw X - said to be set between the first two movies - we'll have to wait and see.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.