10 Horror Movie Reveals So Bad You Almost Walked Out

8. Lisa Hallucinated Her Escape - 47 Meters Down

lipstick face demon insidious
Entertainment Studios

47 Meters Down had one of those late-stage plot twists that pissed just about everybody off - but if you actually did walk out, you probably regretted it afterwards.

The film follows two sisters, Kate (Claire Holt) and Lisa (Mandy Moore), who end up trapped in a shark cage at the bottom of the ocean, with oxygen supplies dwindling and sharks encircling them.

At the end of the movie, Kate and Lisa seemingly manage to escape and get rescued from the water, before it's revealed that Lisa is actually hallucinating from nitrogen narcosis and is indeed still at the bottom of the ocean.

Oh, and her sister died during an earlier encounter with one of the great white sharks. Bummer.

Just as the camera starts panning out and the movie seems primed to end on an infuriating downer twist, however, Lisa actually is rescued by Coast Guard divers, and the film then abruptly ends.

Writer-director Johannes Roberts evidently knew what he was doing here, but for anyone who just straight-up turned the movie off once the twist was revealed, they missed out on the sort-of happy-ish ending that followed.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.