10 Horror Movie Reveals So Bad You Almost Walked Out

2. Will, Ben's Son - I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

lipstick face demon insidious
Sony Pictures Releasing

I Still Know What You Did Last Summer is a pretty damn tawdry sequel at the best of times - a low-effort cash-in on the original slasher flick's surprise box office success.

But that final twist sure is something else, huh?

Near the end of the movie, Julie's (Jennifer Love Hewitt) friend Will Benson (Matthew Settle) reveals himself to be the secret second antagonist. More to the point, he's the son of Ben Willis (Muse Watson), the fisherman who stalks Julie (Jennifer Love Hewitt) and her friends throughout both films.

To hammer this home for the cheap seats, Will points out to Julie that he playfully hid the truth in plain sight, given that Will Benson also means "Will, Ben's son."

Accepted as the campy, schlocky cult classic it's been reclaimed as today, I Still Know What You Did Last Summer is a fun movie to laugh at, but considering how straight-faced the film actually plays this reveal, it's one which leaves most groaning on an initial viewing.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.