10 Horror Movie Rip-Offs You Won’t Believe Exist

7. Pet Graveyard (2019)

Mahakaal Movie

Unfortunately, they can’t all be pleasant surprises, and Pet Graveyard is the very definition of an unpleasant surprise.

From mockbuster factory Millman Productions, written by Suzy Spade and directed by Rebecca Matthews, Pet Graveyard (as should be obvious from the title) is a rip off of Stephen King’s Pet Sematary, churned out to cash in on the new 2019 adaptation of the novel, thirty years after the original movie was released.

At least, that’s what you would expect. However, in probably the only example ever of Millman producing anything unexpected, Pet Graveyard is not an unofficial remake of Pet Sematary – the only cash-in here is that title.

So what blockbuster movie is this movie mockbusting? It’s 1990’s brilliant Flatliners, in which a gang of unfeasibly gorgeous young movie stars deliberately create near death experiences and unwittingly bring the ghosts of the past back from beyond the veil.

Here though, Spade and Matthews have decided that all that return of the repressed, psychoanalytical subtext is too highbrow for them. Their antagonist is a guy dressed up as the grim reaper, with a distinctly bored looking sphynx cat occasionally in tow (you know, the oddly adorable hairless felines that are all the rage on Instagram).

It’s a new level of lazy when a rip off can’t even rip off the thing it advertises itself as ripping off – and ridiculously, had this movie been made a couple of years earlier it could have avoided this by cashing in on the official 2017 Flatliners remake and calling itself Deadliners (or something equally stupid).

Here though, the late Flatliners director Joel Schumacher can rest easy in his own grave, because the only people actually being ripped off here are anyone picking up this sh*tflick expecting a Stephen King photocopy.


Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.