10 Horror Movie Scenes Everyone Always Gets Wrong

7. Dani Doesn't Smile Because She Got Revenge - Midsommar


What Everyone Thinks

Ari Aster's sophomore feature Midsommar ends in unforgettably disturbing fashion as protagonist Dani (Florence Pugh) chooses her ex-boyfriend Christian (Jack Reynor) to be burned alive as part of a cult ritual.

In the final moments, Aster lingers on Dani's face as her expression changes from one of distress to a joyous smile. Many have interpreted this as Dani savouring her revenge, relishing the sight of her emotionally distant, insufferable ex being burned to a crisp and feeling every moment of it.

Why It's Wrong

This is a supremely superficial reading of the film and really ignores the wider thematic, that in the commune Dani has found herself a new family to replace the biological one she lost at the start of the film.

She isn't grinning with delight like a psychopath at Christian's death, but that her depressive grief has abated, and after suffering through so much, she's been reborn into a new family unit with Pelle (Vilhelm Blomgren) and company.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.