10 Horror Movie Scenes Everyone Always Gets Wrong
4. The "He's Killing Me!" Scene Is More Realistic Than You Think - Friday The 13th: The Final Chapter
What Everyone Thinks
By far the most memorable death scene in Friday The 13th: The Final Chapter is that of poor Rob Dier (Erich Anderson), who gets trapped by Jason (Ted White) in a basement.
As Jason hacks away at him, Rob repeatedly screams "He's killing me!" while Trish Jarvis (Kimberly Beck) watches in terror. The scene has been widely mocked by horror fans for its campy absurdity and implied lack of realism.
Why It's Wrong
It's low-hanging fruit to laugh at the scene, and yet it's actually more rooted in reality than you probably think.
In the series' retrospective book "Crystal Lake Memories," director Joseph Zito confirmed that Rob's death was influenced by a story he read in a New York newspaper, where a man shouted "Please stop hurting me, please stop killing me!," while being stabbed to death.
Zito was disturbed enough by the report that he felt it would be perfect for a distinctive, unforgettable Friday the 13th kill, and for better or worse he was clearly correct.
If Rob's surprisingly verbal death might seem unlikely, it's not quite as hilariously implausible as most fans assume.