10 Horror Movie Scenes That Broke The Camera

5. Peter Destroys His Apartment - Vampire's Kiss

Resident Evil Afterlife
Hemdale Film Corporation

At the end of the Nicolas Cage-starring comedy-horror Vampire's Kiss, deranged protagonist Peter Loew (Nicolas Cage) destroys his apartment in a fit of violent, unhinged rage. And in the film's DVD commentary, director Robert Bierman revealed that all the glass and furniture in the scene was "real" - as in, there was no safety glass and nothing rigged to break apart with minimal force.

Basically, they just left two cameras rolling and let Nic Cage do his thing, with the understanding that due to the sheer number of props involved, the scene could only be filmed once in a single take.

As sod's law would have it, of course one of the cameras decided to break down during this specific, unrepeatable sequence, leaving Bierman with just one camera to capture the footage and no B-camera to cut away to during editing.

Bierman didn't specify what went wrong with the camera, though given that he doesn't lay the blame at the feet of Cage and his cinematic rampage, it was most likely one of those pesky, outta-nowhere mechanical errors.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.