10 Horror Movie Scenes You Didn't See (Thanks To Test Audiences)

7. The Full Bloody Orgy - Event Horizon

Event Horizon
Paramount Pictures

There are few jettisoned horror movie scenes more infamous than the "bloody orgy" sequence from Paul W.S. Anderson's cult classic sci-fi romp Event Horizon.

The film features a memorable scene where the crew of the Lewis and Clark view a video log of the abandoned Event Horizon's crew, which fleetingly shows them partaking in sexually violent acts and mutilating one another.

However, this sequence was originally much, much longer, and part of 35 minutes' worth of material that was removed after test screenings complained it was either too long or too graphically violent.

Much of the lengthier bloody orgy was filmed by second-unit director Vadim Jean and featured real-life amputees to convincingly double as mutilated crew members, while porn actors were hired to perform the more demanding simulated sexual activities.

Sadly there's zero chance of the full scene ever being released because the only surviving remnants of footage are in too poor a condition. What a disgrace.

On the other hand, some might argue that the end result couldn't possibly live up to what fans have concocted in their minds at this point, so perhaps it's for the best.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.