10 Horror Movie Scenes You Remember Totally Wrong

9. You Can't See Childs' Breath - The Thing

Hannibal Lecter

In John Carpenter's The Thing, Antarctic researchers discover a shapeshifting alien has infiltrated their ranks. Because this entity can imitate its host perfectly, it's difficult to deduce who among them has been assimilated.

In the climax, MacReady (Kurt Russell) kills the creature after it seemingly murders his crew. When his companion Childs (Keith David) suddenly appears, MacReady is uncertain whether he's the Thing or not. With no rescue in sight, the pair share a scotch as they freeze to death.

Although this ending is intentionally ambiguous, some viewers are confident Childs is an imposter. Because of the intense cold, MacReady's icy breath is very apparent. Since Childs' breath isn't visible, it seemingly proves he's not human.

Even though this fan theory sounds open and shut, there's a simple but underwhelming explanation why Childs isn't noticeably breathing - poor visual quality. Due to VHS's low resolution it seems like Childs doesn't breathe.

But while watching on a higher quality format like Blu-ray, little wisps of air can be seen coming out of Childs' mouth. Because of this, the jury is still out whether Childs is the real deal .


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